Send emails from someone else's account without knowing their password!

Hi all users, today we're going to show you another cool site where you can send fake e-mails means by using this site you can send e-mails from anyone's e-mail (e-mails spoofing) . So this this what it's author said about it.
"I know you know another site which can send fake e-mails but I have just finished setting up an email server on my website and I just need to show it off :).
That's why I made a small page from which you can send mail, that looks like it came from someone else.
So go to the page here:
That's why I made a small page from which you can send mail, that looks like it came from someone else.
So go to the page here:
And fill in from who you want it to come, to who you want to send it and the general stuff, and there ya go! The mail is nicely delivered in their inbox.
PS: If my server gets raped by mass using this then I'll remove it. Maybe I'll make a program that does this via my server later on, but for now I think this is enough :)."
Credit : Egyhacks
Note :- Kindly g+1 this post if you like it.
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